Protection of Staff against Workplace Bullying, Harassment & Sexual Harassment
Contact Persons
The University is committed to the protection of all members of the university community and to the principle that every staff member and student is entitled to work and study in an environment free from harassment. As part of the procedures adopted by the University, a staff member or a student who believes that they have been the subject of harassment may discuss the alleged harassment in an informal manner with their Head of Department or with any one of a number of contact persons appointed by the University.
The following contact persons have been appointed and have been provided with training in relation to their roles as contact persons:
Dr Gordon Delap, Department of Music - Ph (01 708) 3794
Prof Alison Hood, Office: Dean of Teaching and Learning - Ph (01 708) 6457
Mr Michael Bolger, Dept. of Geography - Ph (01 708) 4762